A network of medical students, doctors and educators committed to better teaching on LGBTQ+ health care
Here are some resources that you can use to learn about or to teach LGBTQ+ healthcare.
Resources made by other people:
16point6 - a website with a breadth of information on LGBTQ+ inclusive healthcare
FutureLearn course by St George's University London on transgender healthcare
LGBTQ+ Healthcare 101 - a resource created by medical students at the University of Edinburgh. They also have a downloadable powerpoint presentation on the basics of LGBTQ+ health
A 10 hour curriculum on LGBTQ+ health made & trialled by the University of Colorado, US, Although US specific it still contains some brilliant downloadable powerpoint presentations and handouts on LGBTQ+ healthcare
A Padlet created by the Univeritsy of Dundee Medical School collating various resources on LGBTQ+ health
*If you have made/know of any other resources please let us know so that we can add them!
Here are some resources to contact if you or someone you care for is struggling with their wellbeing:
LGBT Switchboard is open daily from 10am-10pm and regularly takes calls from LGBT+ people across the UK (https://switchboard.lgbt).
LGBT Foundation is open Monday to Friday 9am-9pm and weekends 10am to 6pm for all LGBT+ people across the UK (http://www.lgbt.foundation/helpline).
Mindline Trans+ is open Mondays and Fridays 8pm-midnight for all trans and non-binary people (https://bristolmind.org.uk/help-and-support/mindline-transplus/).
The Samaritans have telephone support volunteers working 24 hours a day all, , every day, and offer a free, non-judgemental, and confidential space to talk (115 123 - https://www.samaritans.org).